Çerez Örnek

Message from the Dean

Message from the Dean

The main goal of our faculty is to raise child development specialists who are respectful against humanity, aware of their professional liability, have adequate problem-solving and moral judgement skills through a professional perspective. And, to raise sensitive child development specialists for moral values and requirements of society.

Out departments serve its courses, scientifically, objectively, faithfully, perspicuously, creatively, and esthetically through both modern approaches and social realities. Reconciliation, toleration, awareness, and responsibility of being a group, cooperation, idealism, sustainability, and universalism are emphasized in our courses.

Our graduates are employed in various fields such as medicine, education, and social services. Our graduates also may get a second cycle degree or third cycle degree.

Our graduates will be a part of prevention, diagnosis, and intervention processes of medical, educational, and developmental problems, by being members of various elite institutions. Best wishes to our new students.



Ege Üniversitesi